It is wonderful to see our families in person and being able to have face-to-face interactions once again! Welcome to all of our new families who have just joined us. It has been a busy term so far and we have had a lot of fun along the way.
Our centre has spent the last week acknowledging National Reconciliation Week and it has been amazing watching our educators create purposeful learning experiences for our children to participate in. These learning experiences help ensure we are educating our children about Australia’s history.
We had a successful Mother’s Day afternoon tea earlier last month with the children creating beautiful gifts for their mums.

Bush Kinder has finally recommenced for the year which is fantastic! This outing gives our kinder children the opportunity to explore the outdoors and learn about our bush and community.
On their recent visit the children learned about ‘Humpys’ traditional Indigenous shelter where the sourced-out materials to try and make their very own shelter. This then lead their discussion and learning during National Reconciliation Week.
To further extend on our green thumb here at MPHCCC, we have finally got our Worm Farm up and running! We have been very busy gathering our worm juice that can be used as fertiliser on the garden. Along with families we have been collecting jars to fill. We have a special place in the foyer for our families to collect and return as needed!

With the change in season, we have been lucky enough to collect leaves and use them in our art and craft projects. This has allowed our children to learn about sustainability and being resourceful of our surroundings.
Our educators have been quite busy getting term reports finished and sent off to parents. There is quite a few different projects happening throughout the centre. Our Cosy Cocoon Room are focusing on letter recognition and the children are super engaged. Busy Butterfly do circle time each morning which gives the children the opportunity to have discussions on topics they pick.
Our centre is really focusing on sustainability and challenging our way of thinking on how we can implement recyclable materials into our learning experiences. We can’t wait to see what our talented educators and children come up with.