Here at ORCELC we pride ourselves of having an inclusive and respectful environment for all children, families, and educators. During the past 3 months we have celebrated and acknowledged many cultural events that reflect our centres diversity. We have celebrated by either a dress up day, sharing and reading stories, throwing powder paint, sharing & making food, creating play scenes and music just to name a few ways we incorporate cultural and diversity learning experiences in the early childhood setting. These acknowledgments will look differently in each room due to the age and development of the children, however at ORCELC we do believe and value the importance of acknowledging and discussing the importance of diversity in each other.
Incursions – Y Sports and magic Jenny
Magic Jenny our Thursday music and drama teacher entertains our Hungry Caterpillar, Cosy cocoon, and Busy Butterfly children.
We also have had the Y sports program for our Busy Butterfly , Orchard, Riverstone and sunstone groups for term 1 – Mary our sports teacher as provided with lots of new skills to learn.
These programs will continue in Term 2 and slowly be extended to other rooms and groups so stay tuned with details about these and other programs.
Story park
Our online communication tool for families to view daily information about your child/s day. Each day the educators will place the daily sheet, some photos, and a small blurb about the day. Families are able to invite other family members to this platform for them to see their little family member at play.
Once a week, families will see the weekly wrap up. This includes a detailed summary of the experiences that the children have explored during that week, once again photos will be attached and general reminders and upcoming events.
Each room will also be adding their curriculum (educational plans) so families can see what the room is working on and strategies that we have in place to achieve the best outcomes for the children.
We encourage families to leave feedback, comments or just to simply acknowledge it with a like.